Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 6

Flipswitch: My Vision Board
Good Story: Each morning I wake up gazing at my vision board. What a sight for my blurry eyes to come to focus on.
I usually start in the upper left corner and then meander my way across the board living each section in my mind if one for a minute or two. When I have finished my daytrip...I mean daydream to my best life I am so happy and thankful for the gift of manifestation. I love my life and am so grateful for it.
Intention: Still have my sights set on Grail Springs. I am now a BLOG follower of the founder, Madeline Merenette. What a fascinating story she has to tell.
Holy Cow Moment: When I realized how easy it is becoming to recognize negativity in someone else and be able to close my ears to it or remove myself from his/her presence.


  1. I'm starring at my vision board right now....i love it sooo much, i've been getting lost and going inot my little awesome!

  2. Love your vision is SO YOU! And, of course oprah would be on it! And in relation to your "negativity" it's a good thing marty doesn't live close by! :)

  3. Okay, so I got back from the hair salon today and there was this great delivery that this great gal sent me! I love the bag - it's my lola! And, the red vintage mushroom cloth is great! I've been looking at the book and so many possibilities are going through my mind...planning the next projects. I love all my gifts! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And, I have great uses for the watch casings, etc. My "secret" project will be posted on the 30th on my blog - take a look - it's something for my dad's birthday but since he reads my blog I am not going to post it until I know he has already seen it!
    Again thanks for spoiling me!
    hugs rochelle
